Grassland Turkey

Sept 2013 004
Allowing turkeys to run and frolic in the grassland setting that encompasses our farm just really feels right. It’s often hard to imagine that turkeys could be raised in any other way; they are so well adapted to this lifestyle.
Sept 2013 005

Sept 2013 008

Spending up to four months on pasture their conditions range from ninety-degree summer days to the cold rain of a Rogue Valley fall. Even though we provide them with shelter they will often be found in the direct sun on a hot day looking for a tasty morsel or scouting out worms in the rain.Sept 2013 010

Sept 2013 011

Blackberries and blackberry leaves, legumes, grasses and grass seeds, and the wayward cricket are just a few of the things I have seen turkeys eat. This does also include corn and grains because they need carbs like the rest of us. But when given a choice these birds love to forage. Sept 2013 028

Sept 2013 043

2 thoughts on “Grassland Turkey

  1. We had our fourth Pradaria turkey last weekend and, just like all the others, it was absolutely delicious. Moist, flavorful, and big! Lots of wonderful meat. Totally unlike commercial turkeys… it tastes like what it is…good clean food.

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